Organized, with my co-chair, “Harnessing the Power of PR,” all- day communications event for the national Legal Marketing Association annual conference, 10/22/2021. Currently serving as co-chair for LMA’s national PR and Communications Special Interest Group (SIG) and served as immediate past chair of the Kansas City local Steering Committee. Currently at-large on KC LMA board.
Emceed Charlie’s House “Safe Home Safe Child” Awards honoring various nonprofits and individuals for their work protecting children, Kansas City, 9/30/2021.
Moderated panel on business communicators working with general counsel, International Association of Business Communicators, Kansas City, 9/21.
Interviewed by Fox4 News, “Twenty Years After 9-11,” with Toby Cook as we anchored together the morning of 9-11.
Co-Moderated Panel, “Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze: Awards and Honors,” LMA national, 9/2021.
Co-Moderated Panel, “Crisis Communications and Social Media Essentials During Turbulent Times” for the national LMA PR & Communications Special Interest Group (SIG) partnering with the Social Media SIG. 3/2021.
Moderated panel of journalists and legal marketers, “Legal PR: Engaging the Media in a Meaningful Manner,” KC – LMA, June 2019
Authored article, “Six Ways to Increase Chances of Earned Media in 2019,” JD Supra, February 2019
Featured in a podcast, “A Passion for Podcasts,” produced by LMA, June 2018
Posted podcast about podcasting for professionals, LinkedIn, August 2017.
Selected to play documentary “Amazing Grace,” at the Kansas City Film Festival, April 2017.
Moderated panel, Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus, “Fake News vs. Real News,” March 2017.